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Remember Tye Leung Schulze– and Vote

Tye Leung Schulze was the first Chinese American woman to vote in a presidential election in 1912 (after California passed legislation allowing women in the state to do so). She was also the first government civil servant working as interpreter at Angel Island immigration station in the early 20th century.

Here, APALA member Dawn Wing shares an excerpt from her bio-comic about Leung Schulze.

Cover of comic Translator for Justice

If you’re interested in learning more about Tye Leung Schulze, Dawn has provided select online sources providing additional information about Tye Leung Schulze’s life and legacy to go with the comic:

Unladylike 2020: Tye Leung Schulze

Tye Leung Schulze, Women’s Rights Advocate, First U.S. Chinese Voter

Tye Leung Schulze (from the National Park Service)

Interpreter, Voter, and Pinball Aficionado

Election day is November 3, 2020. Whether you’re voting by mail or in person, make a plan and make your vote count!