Happy Lunar New Year, APALA!
I hope you are all enjoying the season, sharing food, culture, and community with friends and family. It’s become a special time for me. At my library, our annual celebration honors the rich cultural traditions of both the African American and Asian American communities, through music and dance. We had a dancers’ procession from outside the library, to our Koret Auditorium downstairs.
We are fast approaching the twilight period of my APALA presidency, and it’s been a wild ride, to say the least. Thanks to all of you, I have grown as a leader and advocate for libraries and our communities. Especially in this current political climate, we need all of the fighting spirit and support we can muster, together.
To that end, thank you to everyone who contributed to December’s #GivingTuesday! Your support empowers AANHPI communities in libraries, and absolutely makes a meaningful difference in the work we are able to do. Together, we’re creating change!
Our Talk Story grant with the American Indian Library Association (AILA) is now open for applications. Please spread the word! The deadline is March 15, 2025, 11:59pm AoE. Libraries and community organizations that serve AANHPI or AIAN children and their families are eligible to apply.
Once again, I had the honor of attending LibLearnX in Phoenix, AZ on behalf of our organization. The APALA dinner, Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunrise Ceremony and Youth Media Awards announcements are always highlights of the conference. I love attending these professional conferences because of the many opportunities to connect with all of you and other colleagues in our fields. Many thanks to everyone who I was able to connect with at the conference.
By the way, APALA’s Literature Award Committee is currently accepting submissions published between September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025 for consideration for the 2026 Asian Pacific American Awards for Literature. More information may be found by contacting LitAwards@apalaweb.org and on APALA’s Literature Award Guidelines & Nomination page. As a reminder, we do have new Pasifika categories and a new poetry category, so feel free to nominate eligible titles for our juries to consider!
APALA continues to be committed to providing opportunities that empower our members and enhance their skills. I know the climate ahead looks bleak, but I want us to remember that together we are more powerful than any in the opposition.
I hope you’re able to attend our upcoming Town Hall on Feb. 21.
Here are the details:
APALA Town Hall
Friday, February 21st at 10AM PST/12PM CST/1PM EST
Zoom registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/0RZGSKPpQXaa8qstxoUDkg
Please feel free to anonymously submit topics and questions you’d like addressed during the Town Hall. https://forms.gle/bhH4bYsMiRQDXL8M8
Thank you for allowing me once again to lead APALA through a time of tumultuous struggle as our institutions, colleagues, and loved ones face unprecedented censorship and suppression of personal liberties. APALA will continue to support librarians, library staff, and our communities who are on the frontlines of these conflicts.As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you ever have any questions or concerns about APALA.
Jaena Rae Cabrera (she/her/siya)
APALA President 2023-2025