From Joy Chase:

This Spring I taught a 3-unit Library 15 course “Electronic Research and the Internet” at San Jose City College in San Jose. This semester, with the collaboration of many librarians and others, I completed a full revision of the course. It passed the curriculum committees at SJCC and Evergreen College. It is a District course and it was accepted by the Board of Trustees this month. It is a lecture/lab course taught online using Moodle course management software. I retired in May 2011 from Evergreen Valley College, where I developed this course in 1997. I will be teaching it for SJCC as an adjunct instructor/librarian this fall.
From Maria Pontillas:

I partnered this spring with school librarian, Dawn Baughman, at Bryant Elementary School here in Tacoma to create a Storytelling Club. The students chose the name, the “Bryant Story Adventurers,” and we’ve been meeting once a week since April. We start each meeting with the “Storytellers Pledge” and an adult (either myself or the school librarian) tells a story. The kids also have the chance to share stories they know or to make up stories. We hone our storytelling skills with activities and games. Now in our 8th week, each student has chosen a story to learn and our club will culminate in a storytelling performance at the school on June 15th. Seven to thirteen 3rd-5th grade students attend each week and this is the first exposure to storytelling for many of the students.
This is an article from the school district about the club: