Happy Wednesday! This month, let’s celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage together and recognize how APALA has enhanced professional opportunities for its members.
Indira Chakrabarti
Teacher Librarian, James Logan High School
I attended JCLC for the first time as a result of the award which afforded me the opportunity to meet in person, the amazing people of APALA along with folks I’d corresponded with online while in the midst of the MLIS program at SJSU. I was able to speak directly with Benjamin Alire Saenz after his talk which was so special since I just finished his book and was working on a project on it with my partner in library school! APALA made the possible, along with the chance to visit Albuquerque for the first time, extend my visit with my family, and learn about the city and people’s histories in a very cool way. The awards dinner was a lot of fun as I randomly sat at a super entertaining table with people I’d never met. The San Diego crew and the Reforma folks were awesome to hang out with. I really appreciated this chance since I am a high school librarian at the beginning of her career, without a lot of professional development opportunities, especially with people of color.
In 2020, APALA will be celebrating its 40th anniversary! Please consider supporting events that mark this important milestone by giving a donation online! We welcome any amount that you wish to give and your contribution will support APALA and its members. For federal tax purposes, contributions to APALA are charitable gifts to the extent permitted by law. Thank you for your support!