Your name, current work place and position (for students, please tell us what school you’re attending and if you have chosen a specialization):
My name is Jamie Kurumaji. I am a Children’s Librarian with Fresno County Public Library (California).
Where did you attend school for your MLIS degree?
San Jose State University
How long have you been an APALA member? Why did you first join? Are you currently involved as an officer/committee member/other volunteer?
I joined APALA in 2015 when I was still a student. I had no idea about the different ethnic caucuses until my last semester at SJSU when someone suggested I join and I figured why not? (Also, thank you for being so affordable as a poor college student!). I am currently not involved as an officer or on a committee, but I have served previously on the literature award (picture books) and membership committees with APALA. I am also very fortunate to be APALA’s 2020 ALA Emerging Leader.
We’re very interested in the diversity of ethnic/cultural heritage within APALA. Please share your ethnic/cultural heritage with us and any other background information, as desired.
I am fourth-generation Japanese-American. I was born and raised in Central California among acres of farmland and multi-generations of farmers in my family.
What aspects of librarianship are key to your personal satisfaction at work? Please share some of your professional goals and interests.
Collaboration and community are some key aspects that I have enjoyed in my current position at work. In my current role I am so spread amongst the 7 rural and 1 metro branches that when I get the chance to really embed myself and work with the schools or community, it really gives me the chance to connect and cater what I can do for them. It is within these working environments that I really feel and see the results that are possible when asked one simple question: “What can we, as the library, do for you?” Plus, who doesn’t love getting all the “it’s the library lady!” from littles as they see you in the kinder classrooms or the older kids who are in awe that you even exist outside the library.
For professional goals, I have no idea what my next moves are and I feel there is so much more for me to learn as a children’s librarian. As I have gotten more comfortable in my current position, I hope to become more active with APALA and ALA in the future.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
I am extremely grateful for all the opportunities and wonderful people that I have met through APALA and feel so lucky to be part of this organization!