President’s Message

You Are Not Alone
This year has been tough for many of us. When I stood for election nearly a year and a half ago, I had no idea how much would change in our families, in our communities, in our institutions, in our profession, in our nation and in the world, or how we would continue to be tested in new ways every day.
With those changes, during these extraordinarily intense and anxious 8 months of the COVID-19 pandemic, has come the understanding that more than ever, the personal is the professional, and that Advocacy and Activism, my Presidential theme, begins with self-advocacy and self-care.
Executive Director’s Message

As I write this column in early November, I am rooted in the motto of Queen Kapiʻolani: Kūlia i ka nuʻu (Strive for the Summit). I’ve shared this motto with APALA members before, as it was the theme of my presidency from 2016-2017. I share it again now because the uncertainty and anxiety many of us are feeling reflects that time four years ago but with perhaps an even stronger push towards reaching that summit and achieving racial equity.
Announcements & News
Support APALA with
The Finance and Fundraising Committee has opened a affiliate shop, which will feature past literature award recipients and other books of interest to the APA community, including books reviewed in the APALA newsletter. APALA will receive 10% of sales made through our shop. Visit the shop here and check back to see what new books we’ve added!
Solidarity by Design: APALA @ Home T-shirt Design Contest
Enter APALA’s Solidarity by Design: APALA @ Home T-shirt Design Contest for a chance to win $200 and have your design printed on upcoming merchandise! Submissions due December 16th, all APALA members and APA individuals are welcome to send in a design! APALA Membership will get to vote on their favorite design in January 2021. See the website for more info.
$40 for 40th and AmazonSmile
The Finance and Fundraising Committee is pleased to report $1,280 has been raised for the $40 for 40th campaign. The campaign will continue through June 2021. If you are able, please consider donating $40, $1 for each year of APALA’s work to support Asian/Pacific American librarians and the communities we serve. Learn more here.
$160.21 has been raised through AmazonSmile in the last year, over 30% of the total amount raised since 2015.
Our own APALA Executive Director Lessa Pelayo-Lozada is running for ALA President! APALA endorses Lessa Kanani’opua Pelayo-Lozada as the American Library Association’s 2022-2023 Presidential Candidate. Read more here.
Congrats to APALA Past President Alanna Aiko Moore! The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has appointed Alanna Aiko Moore as a visiting program officer for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs from September 2021 through July 2022. Read more here.
Talk Story: Sharing stories, sharing culture is a family literacy program that celebrates and explores Asian Pacific American (APA) and American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) stories through books, oral traditions, and art. Grant funding is available to give financial support to libraries and community organizations who want to introduce a Talk Story program. Libraries and community organizations that serve APA and/or AIAN children and their families are encouraged to apply for a Talk Story grant through APALA or AILA, beginning on January 1, 2021. Information pertaining to Talk Story can be found at or by reaching out to
Save the Date!
APALA January Membership Meeting will be on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 11:00AM PST/2:00PM EST. More information to follow.
Remember Tye Leung Schulze – and Vote
How to Persevere in a Difficult Job Market: Words of Wisdom from APALA Guest Speakers
Book Reviews
“The World I Leave You: Asian American Poets on Faith and Spirit” Edited by Leah Silvieus & Lee Herrick
Author Interviews
Featured APALA Members