The webforms for folks to reserve their seats for APALA’s Cultural Field Trip and Speed Networking, Social & Dinner are up! Disclaimer: works best with…
Category: News and Updates
The Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association (APALA) Scholarships and Awards Committee has selected Catherine Phan as the recipient of the 2012 APALA Travel Award. Catherine is…
Dear APALA Members and Friends! Please mark your calendar for many exciting APALA events during ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim, California which will be held…
Dear APALA Friends: Member-at-Large Rich Kong has decided to step down from the APALA Executive Board effective June 1, 2012. Richard has been an active member…
Are you attending ALA Annual in Anaheim? Are you interested in diversity and outreach? Are you seeking more ways to get involved professionally? Then, APALA…
Congratulations to our incoming Executive Board members who be serving under the leadership of Jade Alburo, incoming President: All terms will begin immediately after 2012…
The Asian Pacific American Librarians Association (APALA) Awards committee is pleased to announce that Jade Alburo is the recipient of the 2012 Sheila Suen Lai…
APALA is on the lookout for fabulously talented individuals to design a T-shirt for our 2012 scholarship fundraising campaign. Are you a creative individual with…
APALA is granting four $500 scholarships for APALA members to attend the 2nd National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color (JCLC) Conference scheduled for September…
The American Indian Library Association (AILA) and the Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association (APALA), supported by Toyota Financial Services, are pleased to award the Baranov…