President’s Message

Happy Lunar New Year, Black History Month, Valentine’s Day and President’s Day!
As we enter the Year of the Metal Ox, I wish to acknowledge our community members who have loved ones overseas and/or who have lost loved ones this past year, particularly due to COVID-19 or related complications. I am so sorry for your and your family’s loss and for the additional anxiety of keeping track of the COVID-19 situations in other countries, especially at the beginning of the pandemic. I hope that with the various vaccines, we are able to come together face-to-face in community soon. During this extraordinarily challenging past year, even surviving is a triumph.
Announcements & News
Support APALA through our shop! also works to support independent bookstores. We receive 10% of all sales made through the shop and have compiled lists of past literature award recipients and books reviewed in the APALA newsletter. We’ve also recently added lists browsable by reader age and the 2021 Literature Awards. Visit the shop here and check back in as we add new books and curate new lists.
Thank you to everyone’s participation in APALA @ Home T-Shirt Design Contest! Our Bonfire campaign is now open where you can purchase a t-shirt with Shelly Yuki Black’s winning design!
$40 for 40th Campaign
We’ve raised $33% of our $40 for 40th Campaign goal so far! Please consider donating between now and June!
Share what APALA has meant to you over the years. Testimonials will be used to help us celebrate our 40th Anniversary.
Talk Story: Sharing stories, sharing culture is a family literacy program that celebrates and explores Asian American, Pacific Islander, and American Indian stories through books, oral traditions, and art. Grant funding is available to give financial support to libraries and community organizations who want to introduce a Talk Story program. Libraries and community organizations that serve APA and/or AIAN children and their families are encouraged to apply for a Talk Story grant through APALA or AILA before April 1, 2021. Information pertaining to Talk Story can be found at or by reaching out to
APALA Issues Statement on Violence in the Capitol
APALA 2021 Lit Awards Winners Announced
Book Reviews
“Apsara Engine” by Bishakh Som
“Grass” by Keum Suk Gendry-Kim
Author Interviews
APALA Community Kitchen
Featured APALA Members