President’s Message

Reunite, Reconnect, Reflect, Renew, and Reopen
As many states and institutions move steadily toward reopening, I wanted to reflect on this extraordinary year. I’m so grateful to all of our member leaders, our members, co-conspirators and supporters for your hard work, your time, and your heart. Thank you for advocating with and for our APA communities during one of the most challenging times our communities have faced in recent memory.
Announcements & News
APALA 2021-2023 election results announced. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who participated. See the election results here.
Dawn Wing is 2021 winner of the Minnesota Academic Innovators Award: The Academic and Research Libraries Division of the Minnesota Library Association Minnesota recognizes Dawn Wing with the Academic Innovator’s Award. Dawn is an assistant professor, graphic artist, and reference and instruction librarian at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, MN. Her work incorporating graphic novels, graphic narratives, comics, and zines into the library and the classroom is praised as important and impactful. Read more here:
Molly Higgins accepted a new position as the systematic review librarian for the United States Department of Agriculture’s Nutrition Evidence Systematic Review program.
Congratulations to Ven Basco, APALA’s immediate past Executive Director and past President who earned his promotion to University Librarian this year! Library faculty are promoted based on their professional effectiveness and their demonstrated record of achievement. The promotion process takes nearly an entire academic year as faculty are evaluated on three main areas: research, teaching and service. Ven is the Engineering and Computer Science Librarian. In addition, he also coordinates the Research Consultation Services and Ask-A-Librarian Service for the library. The library recognizes his hard work and dedication to helping make UCF and the Libraries a major research destination. To see the full list of UCF faculty receiving promotions or tenure in 2021, go to
2021 APALA Travel Grant & Scholarship recipients announced. Read more here.
2021 Talk Story: Sharing Stories, Sharing Culture Grant recipients announced. Read more here.
A Story Walk: Drawn Together in the City of Issaquah, WA
Festival of Asian Writers During Asian Heritage Month
APALA Statement in Solidarity with India, China and all AAPI Communities
APALA Statement in Solidarity with the Sikh Community
Book Reviews
“Be the Refuge” by Chenxing Han
“Measuring Up” by Lily LaMotte