APRIL 2019
President’s Message

Dear APALA Members,
In the past few months, we have had many moments to be thankful for, to celebrate, and to reflect on. APALA, as an organization, made a tremendous impact in our profession and our communities. We advocated for ourselves, our fellow members, and our colleagues across organizations. Although we have made an impact throughout our networks, both professionally and personally, there are still many areas that we need to address and change for the better.
APALA Bay Area Lunar New Year Dinner
Reflections on the Joint Conference of Librarians of Color
Book Reviews
- “Pachinko” by Min Jin Lee
- “A Different Pond” by Bao Phi
Author Interviews
Member Highlights Showcase
Announcements & News
Dr. Clara M. Chu is the recipient of the 2019 American Library Association Ethnic and Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table (EMIERT) Distinguished Librarian Award.
Ngoc-Yen Tran and Emily Chan presented “Modernized Collaborations: Technologies Affecting Librarian Research Connections”at the Symposium on the Future of Libraries held during ALA 2019 Midwinter Conference.
The American Library Association (ALA) Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services seeks proposals for the Diversity Research Grant program.
The American Indian Library Association and the Asian Pacific American Librarian Association are now accepting applications for the Talk Story: Sharing Stories, Sharing Culture Grant.