The APALA Mentoring Committee oversaw the coordination and recent completion of the 2022-2023 Mentoring Program. This year we:
- Saw 49 participants (27 pairs) start the program, 46 complete the program
- Began to revise email templates and documentation
- Revised feedback for end of program survey to help encourage responses and make it more concise. Thus, the questions will significantly vary from previous years.
Select feedback for our end of program survey:
- Please tell us about your experience with the APALA Mentoring Program. What were the most helpful things to come out of your meetings? Were you able to accomplish what you needed from the program? What did you like most about the program? What were some of the most used and/or helpful resources during the mentoring program?
- Protégé: The most helpful things that came out of the meetings was keeping me on track on achieving my goals related to librarianship, personal, and life goals. Yes, I was able to accomplish what I needed from the program for the most part. What I liked most about the program was that I was able to get insight from a fellow librarian of what it is like in the library field. They helped guide me on finding new resources to do more research about my goals. The most helpful resources during the mentoring program was a bunch of online websites that were related to my career interest. Programming for librarians and special libraries association.
- Protégé: I was able to accomplish a lot by meeting with my mentor. The most helpful things to come out of my meetings included advice for job interviews, applying for jobs (including resume and cover letter review/revisions), and our discussions about project management strategies. I was able to accomplish a lot with my mentor, such as receiving an offer for my first full-time academic librarian job.
One of my favorite things about the program is how meaningful and engaging our discussions were and how my mentor gave me the freedom to choose our discussion topics based on whatever was most relevant to my current situation. For instance, when I was job hunting, we focused more on interviewing skills, presentation skills, and writing strong job applications. Once I started my new position, we focused more on skills that would help me in that particular role, such as project management skills and skills in providing and receiving feedback. In addition, I liked how we would both watch the same professional development videos or read the same articles and then discuss these resources together.
Some of the most helpful resources during the mentoring program were articles shared with me by my mentor, including: “Vocational Awe and Librarianship” ( and “Creating A Library Wide Culture and Environment to Support MLIS Students of Color” (
- Mentor: Clear communication and goal setting, as well as setting anticipated goals for each session helped me prepare for my part as mentor. I like that we have people checking in with us. I was wanting to mentor, so I accomplished my goal. The people you meet through the mentoring program though are a rewarding aspect in itself. Seeing what resources are there and what we needed to update was important, but I think the most helpful element was seeing what the latest meetings and conferences had for material.
- Mentor: I’ve done this for several years now, and I am getting better at not over-thinking the process. My mentee this year brought me several questions without prompting and I was able to help her make an important career decision. I was also able to share my own career bumps and challenges with her.
- Anything else you would like us to know?
- I wonder if letting more library school faculty know about the program would help recruit mentees?
- I really enjoyed the professional support and growth during my time with this program. It has been extremely helpful to learn and be inspired with a really amazing mentor. I feel so lucky! I really hope I can participate next year, but as a mentor. I will try applying! Thank you so much for the opportunity.
A chart of our feedback, gauging overall satisfaction