APALA is celebrating its 40th Anniversary! While we will miss celebrating in person, we are launching our $40 for 40th Campaign to increase financial support for APALA’s mission. If you are able, please consider donating $40, $1 for each year of APALA’s work to support Asian/Pacific American librarians and the communities we serve.
Donations support the following initiatives and programs:
- Talk Story: Sharing Stories, Sharing Cultures, a collaborative program with the American Indian Library Association (AILA), is a literacy program that reaches out to APA and American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) children and their families. The program celebrates and explores their stories through books, oral traditions, and arts to provide an interactive, enriching learning experience. Check out our website at http://www.talkstorytogether.org/
- APALA Scholarship granted to a student of APA background attending a graduate program in library and/or information science for an ALA-accredited master’s degree.
- APALA Travel Award to support a member’s attendance at the ALA Annual Conference.
- APALA Sponsorship for ALA Emerging Leaders Program to fund a member to attend the ALA Midwinter and Annual Conferences.
- APALA President’s Program at the ALA Annual Conference, featuring speakers, panels or presentations on educational, informational and inspirational topics of current interest/concern to APA librarians and communities.
- Asian Pacific American Award for Literature to honor and recognize works about APAs and their heritage based on literary and artistic merit.