I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to participate in this mentorship program. This past year I was faced with a variety of professional changes and challenges. Jaena has been very inspiring, supportive, and insightful. Throughout our discussions Jaena has offered guidance and encouragement regarding supervisory and management concerns. This is my first time being a part of a professional organization in the field. Throughout my time volunteering and working in various types of libraries for over 10 years, I’ve always felt like I was on my own trying to figure things out. This mentorship program makes me feel a bigger connection with other library professionals and explore opportunities I never considered before. I feel more confident in my experiences and skills and am excited to continue to learn, explore, network, and grow.
Bio: Audra Pimatukarnta is currently a Librarian II with OC Public Libraries. Her role is a Materials Selection Evaluator, overseeing the graphic novel collection and teen fiction for her system. She still can’t believe she’s living the dream of working so closely with comics. She’s passionate about too many things to count, but tries to find time for video games, boba, books, British stand-up comedians, traveling, and tea.

I’ve been a part of the APALA mentorship program in a number of capacities since I was a grad student at Syracuse University. Now that I am further along in my career, I love being able to give back to other librarians and an organization that has served me so well over the years. My time with Audra was equally inspiring and insightful. She brought situations to my attention that I hadn’t yet encountered in my own professional life, and talking through them has proven really beneficial for me as well. As we are both in public libraries, we were able to relate on a number of issues regarding staff and patrons alike. I hope I was able to provide Audra with different perspectives and insight from my own career. I look forward to watching her grow as a librarian and to see her career flourish!
Bio: Jaena Rae Cabrera is currently a branch manager with San Francisco Public Library. She is also the APALA president, and has previously been vice-president, treasurer, and member-at-large for the organization. She has also served on a number of APALA committees, including Local Arrangements Taskforce, the Media & Publicity Committee, and the Literature Awards Committee for adult fiction. In her free time, Jaena enjoys hanging out with her three cats: two voids and an orange. She also spends a lot of time tending to her plants and reading graphic novels.
For more information on the APALA Mentoring Program: https://www.apalaweb.org/about/committees/standing-committees/mentoring-committee/mentoring-program/